Does my child need an evaluation?

Psychoeducational evaluations provide insight into why your child struggles with learning, attention, social skills, behavior, or emotion regulation. They also enable us to identify a child’s strengths and weaknesses, which assists our providers in recommending individualized research-based interventions to help your child THRIVE across settings.

Evaluations can offer information about…

Cognitive Functioning

How does your child think, store, and access information? Evaluation of these skills provides helpful insight into the way your child learns and aids in examining giftedness and learning differences.

Academic Skills

What is your child’s grade-level proficiency in reading, writing and math? Assessment of these academic domains can reveal areas where your child excels and where intervention may be needed.

Executive Functioning

How does your child sustain attention, regulate impulses, and organize/plan schoolwork and activities? Evaluation of these skills helps to identify strategies to improve academic success and well-being.

Social-Emotional Skills

How does your child manage their emotional responses, make responsible decisions, and maintain healthy relationships? Assessment of these behaviors can reveal coping and social skills to target with intervention.


Thrive Child Psychology
Offers Assessments For:

  • Anxiety

  • Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Depression and Mood Disorders

  • Developmental Delays

  • Giftedness

  • Intellectual Disabilities

  • Oppositional Defiant/Conduct Disorder

  • Specific Learning Disabilities

Our Evaluation Process


Intake Meeting

To begin the process, your provider will meet with you to learn about your child’s history and current challenges. This allows them to select the appropriate assessment tools to further explore the areas of concern.

Thrive Child Psychology uses a multi-method, multi-informant approach. This means that we gather data through interviews, record reviews, observations, parent/teacher rating scales, and standardized tests.

At the end of the intake meeting, you will receive an individualized evaluation plan and anticipated timeline for evaluation completion.


Testing Session(s)

During the testing session(s), your provider will meet with your child one-on-one. Throughout testing, your child may be asked to answer questions verbally, complete paper-and-pencil tasks, and engage in hands-on activities.

The length of time to complete testing activities will depend on several factors including the tools used, as well as your child’s age, level of engagement, and speed of responding.

Your provider will offer breaks and may recommend splitting up testing into more than one session if this will provide more accurate findings based on your child’s engagement.



After all elements of the evaluation are completed, you will receive a comprehensive written report that includes your child’s history, a summary of the data gathered, diagnostic impressions, and recommendations for research-based interventions for home and school.

Your provider will meet with you and, when appropriate, your child to review evaluation findings and recommendations.

At your request, your provider can meet with your child’s teachers and administrators to share recommendations pertaining to your child’s educational programming (e.g., IEPs, 504 Plans).